this is the highly subjective way I read and interpret literature
(I mostly read classic belles-lettres, but you’ll find some examples of trashy readings here and there as well)
My mind went when I first heart about this book!
The first couple of chapters They were super exhausting, because the author would just touch on a subject, only to tell you that he's going into detail later. And then he would touch on the next subject only to tell you that he would go into detail later and so on and so on (for quite some time).
But then, and
as soon as he finally started to discuss all the topics he touched on in the beginng the book really got interesting and fun!
I should mention, that the book actually starts at a molecular level and explains in a short, but comprehendable way the composition of your DNA, bone and muscle structure and how and why muscles and bones move the way they do. Sometimes quite exhausting, but very informative - and in the end you get the answer to the question you have been waiting for:
Is it actually possible to become Batman?